Enter token ID - serial
Token ID0.0.227134-146 on mainnet
TypeLayer 1 fungible
Layer 2 nFT Limited Edition
Token nameLet’s Get Physical - (HBAR)
Token symbolHEDERA://0.0.227133?roothash= 5b0a648b4b89da6463b7f376eb23d77d928136b7def0afbc516769de65354a84
DescriptionThe funds raised from this NFT sale will go to having this design turned into a physical coin. By owning this NFT you get to show the world you had a part in getting these coins started!The funds raised from this NFT sale will go to having this design turned into a physical coin. By owning this NFT you get to show the world you had a part in getting these coins started!
SupplySerial #146 of 150
Admin treasury 0.0.227132
Current holder0.0.227132 since 2021-05-07 02:56 UTC

LinksGoMint Gallery
Meta data
    "data": [
            "tokenAssetHash": "5b0a648b4b89da6463b7f376eb23d77d928136b7def0afbc516769de65354a84",
            "tokenAssetURL": "https:\/\/gomint.me\/data\/client\/5b0a648b4b89da6463b7f376eb23d77d928136b7def0afbc516769de65354a84.jpeg",
            "tokenAssetType": "image",
            "tokenDescription": "The funds raised from this NFT sale will go to having this design turned into a physical coin. By owning this NFT you get to show the world you had a part in getting these coins started!The funds raised from this NFT sale will go to having this design turned into a physical coin. By owning this NFT you get to show the world you had a part in getting these coins started!",
            "tokenAssetKeyholder": "GoMint",
            "tokenAssetCreator": "KPAYID FK38553",
            "tokenAssetChannel": "EE821C",
            "tokenContractType": null
    "roothash": "5b0a648b4b89da6463b7f376eb23d77d928136b7def0afbc516769de65354a84",
    "hashmethod": "SHA256(tokenAsset)"

Technical comments or feedback welcome
(comments are not shown publicly, they are only shared with the token owner or minter. Please include your contact details if you want a reply)