GoMint Token 0.0.542832 is named HBarbarian Signature Sword

The token symbol is

The treasury account is 0.0.542829

This token has meta data stored in Hedera file 0.0.542831

Root hash recorded in the token symbol =

Root hash recorded in the Hedera file =

Hash calculated directly from asset

Hashes match -> verification passed

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Token meta data:
{ "data": [ { "tokenAssetHash": "89341d74dd94a37e56c293537383fcbce631a26517b32c381732d5d1ebe81142", "tokenAssetURL": "https:\/\/gomint.me\/data\/client\/89341d74dd94a37e56c293537383fcbce631a26517b32c381732d5d1ebe81142.jpg", "tokenAssetType": "image", "tokenDescription": "Wield that HBarbarian sword proudly. Hand made to the highest standard, with a Cimmerian steel forged blade, Damascus pattern & signature markings. Designed Strong & agile to outlast the competition. Show the others that you mean business!", "tokenAssetKeyholder": "GoMint", "tokenAssetCreator": "KPAYID H496889", "tokenAssetChannel": "EE821C", "tokenContractType": "GMC007" } ], "roothash": "89341d74dd94a37e56c293537383fcbce631a26517b32c381732d5d1ebe81142", "hashmethod": "SHA256(tokenAsset)" }