GoMint Token 0.0.610491 is named Hashglass Creature 007 Gold 1/1

The token symbol is

The treasury account is 0.0.610489

This token has meta data stored in Hedera file 0.0.610490

Root hash recorded in the token symbol =

Root hash recorded in the Hedera file =

Hash calculated directly from asset

Hashes match -> verification passed

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Token meta data:
{ "data": [ { "tokenAssetHash": "ef9b34f66eb00eb55e8f8a7d411c858efc99808cec6be9641111ee18ca057780", "tokenAssetURL": "https:\/\/gomint.me\/data\/client\/ef9b34f66eb00eb55e8f8a7d411c858efc99808cec6be9641111ee18ca057780.jpg", "tokenAssetType": "image", "tokenDescription": "This is a unique and rare gold 1 of 1 collectible creature by Hashglass Mosaics. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<!-- GoMint generated comment -->\r\n\r\n<!--after pre-order closes... -->\r\n<BR><BR><\/I>\r\nPre-orders are now closed - <a href='https:\/\/gomint.me\/login'>login<\/a> and check your <a href='https:\/\/gomint.me\/gallery?basket'>basket<\/a> if you ordered<BR><a href='https:\/\/gomint.me\/balance\/token\/?tokenId=0.0.610491' target='_blank'>\r\nOrders were fairly allocated based on Hedera consensus timestamp of the token association transaction<\/a><BR>Pre-orders closed at 08:00 UTC on 10th December 2021<I>", "tokenAssetKeyholder": "GoMint", "tokenAssetCreator": "KPAYID H457175", "tokenAssetChannel": "EE821C", "tokenContractType": "GMC007" } ], "roothash": "ef9b34f66eb00eb55e8f8a7d411c858efc99808cec6be9641111ee18ca057780", "hashmethod": "SHA256(tokenAsset)" }