GoMint Token 0.0.650570 is named Themis

The token symbol is

The treasury account is 0.0.650568

This token has meta data stored in Hedera file 0.0.650569

Root hash recorded in the token symbol =

Root hash recorded in the Hedera file =

Hash calculated directly from asset

Hashes match -> verification passed

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Token meta data:
{ "data": [ { "tokenAssetHash": "8dce3c166306353ab42b3c12445765fc1a4dedc1d5b8209d8073114d558ccb1b", "tokenAssetURL": "https:\/\/gomint.me\/data\/client\/8dce3c166306353ab42b3c12445765fc1a4dedc1d5b8209d8073114d558ccb1b.jpg", "tokenAssetType": "image", "tokenDescription": "The New Style Mythology collection is a free interpretation of what gods and creatures in ancient mythology could look like", "tokenAssetKeyholder": "GoMint", "tokenAssetCreator": "KPAYID H126365", "tokenAssetChannel": "EE821C", "tokenContractType": "GMC007" } ], "roothash": "8dce3c166306353ab42b3c12445765fc1a4dedc1d5b8209d8073114d558ccb1b", "hashmethod": "SHA256(tokenAsset)" }