Enter token ID - serial
Token ID0.0.497851-94 on mainnet
TypeLayer 1 fungible
Layer 2 nFT Limited Edition
Token nameTree of life
Token symbolHEDERA://0.0.497850?roothash= c6dec2078a8e5feff9ecb074d2e41c1bccc37ae5c8db189947d8546edc42b628
DescriptionTree of life is the second artwork i created as a NFT !
SupplySerial #94 of 100
Admin treasury 0.0.497849
Current holder0.0.497849 since 2021-10-13 21:40 UTC

LinksThis token is eligible for GoMint swap to 0.0.1745298
GoMint Gallery
Meta data
    "data": [
            "tokenAssetHash": "18e350844f3c2be6fdc3f6a8415a1672da6c931d537637ca2a014b20f73f6b23",
            "tokenAssetURL": "https:\/\/gomint.me\/data\/client\/18e350844f3c2be6fdc3f6a8415a1672da6c931d537637ca2a014b20f73f6b23.jpg",
            "tokenAssetType": "image",
            "tokenDescription": "Tree of life is the second artwork i created as a NFT ! \r\n",
            "tokenAssetKeyholder": "GoMint",
            "tokenAssetCreator": "KPAYID H143306",
            "tokenAssetChannel": "EE821C",
            "tokenContractType": "GMC007"
            "tokenAssetHash": "18e350844f3c2be6fdc3f6a8415a1672da6c931d537637ca2a014b20f73f6b23",
            "tokenAssetMemo": "private asset"
    "roothash": "c6dec2078a8e5feff9ecb074d2e41c1bccc37ae5c8db189947d8546edc42b628",
    "hashmethod": "SHA256(concat(tokenAssetHash))"

Technical comments or feedback welcome
(comments are not shown publicly, they are only shared with the token owner or minter. Please include your contact details if you want a reply)